Thursday, January 28, 2010

Today I had a Lindt ball. 

Actually, today there was no jello at school- and in the midst of freaking out internally while standing in front of the shelves of the refrigerated section of the dining hall, I almost had the mind to march up to the guy in charge and demand some consistency in this here eating establishment.  But, instead, I tried to compose myself and find some other way to satisfy my cravings for sweetness. 

There was the pudding shelf... but I knew for sure I would crash about an hour eating that- plus the unknown calorie count wasn't worth it, I decided... and I didn't bring along my internet set up phone so I could check online... 

There was the cake section... but I don't really like cake... just the icing.  But man, do I love icing.  In fact, for my last birthday party, a friend made me a cupcake table complete with bags of icing and about 12 different kinds of sprinkles.  It was a little bit like heaven.

There were a few pieces of pie...  but I know if I start down that road, I'll never find my way back.

There were chocolate chip cookies the width of two fingers and the size of my head...

Finally I just grabbed a bag of 100 cal oreos (suck suck suck) and made do...  and the guy in charge came over to me, while I was pulling a slice of pizza with my fingers- and attempted to offer me the serving untensil- but since it was touching all the meatiness of the other pizzas, I declined sort-of politely... I can only hope that when I said "no thanks, it's been touching meat" he really heard "no thanks, jerkface, your food is all meaty and YOU FORGOT TO MAKE JELLO!". 

So when I got back up to the Fac Lounge, and consumed my sad lunch of a slice of pizza, yogurt, and an apple, I was tempted by the over-stuffed bevy of chocolate chocolate chip cookies leftover from the previous nights' book club.  And I ate one.  And I actually ate it slowly, rather than my normal "stuff it all in my mouth as quickly as possible and pocket two more for later".  And man, it was sweet!  Like I could actually taste every morsel of sugar dancing around my mouth, tickling my tongue, destroying my teeth.  And I wanted more.  So instead I went back to my classroom and did some work.  Not quite as yummy... and definitely not as much fun.

And then I got home (no running today, which decreases my calorie allotment by over 200) and had my veggies, and some jello, and some popcorn, and some more jello.  And plugged it all in to myfooddiary, and found that I had 3 calories left to consume.  And decided "ah hell, they can keep those 3 calories".

And then came back a bit later to let the d-o-g out to pee- and looked at the Xmas chocolate still sitting on my counter... and saw the Lindt balls... and knew that none of them were milk chocolate... but then decided I really didn't care, and unwrapped one and peered at it, trying to discern what kind it was... and then bit halfway into it, and the whole time I'm thinking don't do it!  You don't even like the ones that aren't milk chocolate!  Put it down!  Throw it away!  Spit it out!  But continued to consume it...  and finished it.  And I think tomorrow I'll take the rest to school...  

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