Saturday, February 20, 2010

Elementary School Valentine's Parties... oh my!

Yesterday was our school's make-up Valentine's Day party day... the first one was snowed out by the great blizzard of '10- or the Snowpacolypse, as so many people termed it.  It was also, somehow, a stress-filled day for me as well... and can I tell you just how much I love cupcakes?  Well, to be more specific, it's the icing I love on the cupcakes... I throw the actual cake part away. 

On a regular day it's pretty hard for me to resist the birthday cupcakes that come my way... these sweet little faces show up at my classroom door, holding out a slightly smooshed bit of joy, their gift to their classmates (and those lucky select teachers) on their day of birth- and maaaaaan, is it hard to say no. 

Now take that, and multiply it by 17 classrooms.  And without fail, each classroom has cupcakes.  And some are homemade, some are from the grocery, some are sometimes from ColdStone!  And then enter me, primed for stress eating.

I walked by the big chocolate cake in the teacher's lounge- tall, iced to perfection with a few different kinds of sugar, strawberries on top...  and then I walked by it again- only this time I stopped and stared at it for a bit.  I forced myself away, realizing that I actually don't like chocolate cake that much... 

Another teacher had been watching me, and found me about 5 minutes later- in her hand: a vanilla cupcake, frosted, with a ring of red m&m's on top- such a work of homemade beauty!  And get this... word for word, she says to me "Now this is what you're looking for."  Holy Hell!  Talk about words from the devil!  She really should be a drug dealer, rather than a first grade teacher!  I grabbed that cupcake right out of her hand and wolfed the whole thing- cake included. 

And that was it.  All bets were off.  I scarfed just about everything that came me way- as long as it wasn't chocolate.  And there was cooking club that afternoon- so I went by there, and watched as they made "sushi" from rice krispie treats, fruit by the foot, and gummi bears.  And I stood there and popped piece after piece of left-over rice krispie treat into my mouth, as the teacher cut the sushi rounds.  (note: eating the actual "sushi" tastes like drinking cough syrup)

After work, I went to the gym, but my poor, full, disgusted body could only run a mile before it gave out... so I sat down on the bike, and bored myself until I burned another 100 calories.  Can I tell you how ridiculous it is to sit in a room and ride a bike?  Man, it made me long for the days on the trail...  MELT ALREADY, SNOW!

Then I made it over to our school's Karaoke night, in which another teacher and I were the MC's.  We rocked it, we rolled it, we danced it out!  It was fantastic!  And then I rolled on home, took the dog for a walk, and then realized I hadn't had dinner, and it was 9pm. 

My belly was still reeling from the day's sugardrive, so I had a couple of pickles, and called it a day. 

Today is a fresh start... 

1 comment:

  1. I love cupcakes too...only I don't like the icing part - only the cake part. Together we could be dangerous! For me, I appreciate that every day is a fresh start.
