Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Great Cleanse, day FAIL

Ok.  So...  I caved.  Well, really, the pounding headache proved more than I could handle, so at about 9pm last night I had half a frozen thing of rice and veggies.  Fiancee gave in mid afternoon/early evening, and had rice and veggies, and then some soup for dinner.  We both agreed that chewing 1200 calories a day was WAY better than sucking them through a straw.

I weighed in at 168.8 lbs this morning, which means that over the 2 days I was on the lemonade torture, I lost about 6 lbs.  Probably tomorrow I'll be back up a couple lbs, but I'm ok with that, b/c today I ATE REAL FOOD.  We started with oatmeal and honey (but I only ate half my portion b/c it tasted slightly rancid, and I decided I wasn't that hungry), then I had an icelandic yogurt as a snack (pure disgustingness, but I needed to eat something, and it had a ridiculous amount of protein).  Then we ran some errands (feeling a bit more chipper than the day before) which included a trip to the grocery store where we were on the hunt for high fiber foods. 

Came home, and had a black bean burger and carrots... sounds bland, eh?  WELL...  all those times of eating at Red Robin came in handy, b/c I've learned of the deliciousness of adding blue cheese and bbq sauce to the burger.  Oh yes.  So I had my black bean burger with blue cheese and bbq sauce, on a potato bun, and some baby carrots on the side.  And a really large glass of lemon water, since we have about a zillion and a half lemons left from our cleanse.  I've been pounding the lemon water today, in hopes that at some point we'll reclaim the fridge from the yellow fruits.

And then we decided to go see a movie- but got there and the line was around the block.  At 4:30 on a Saturday afternoon.  It was ridiculous.  So we came home, moped around, watched "The Boy Who Could Fly" and I knit a baby booty.  Then our stomachs were growling loud enough for the dog to hear, so we decided it was dinner time.

And MAN did we eat!!!  My ghetto garden produced a handful of small tomatoes, so Fiancee turned that into a tomato sauce, and I made fresh pasta, which we topped with the sauce and parmesan, and man was it amazing!  An entire bowl of food, steaming hot, filled with veggies... and it totaled just under 300 calories.  I thought about doing a dance of joy, but my belly was too full to get down.

So our first day of eating 1200 calories is very successful.  Although we both have a couple hundred calories left to consume...  so we'll have to figure out how to spread the calories out better over the day.


1 comment:

  1. I always support chewing over drinking calories! Nuts have a lot of calories if you are looking for a high calorie item. Are you still taking the salt water stuff?
