Monday, July 26, 2010

Chocolate Chips... 70 calories worth of love.

So the 1200 calorie days are way more fun when you exercise, I've found, because then you get to ADD calories to the day!!!  Fiancee and I are on a 7 day free trial at a local gym, and we went yesterday and today.  The first day of the 1200 calorie lifestyle (b/c really, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle-  I keep trying to tell myself that) we didn't exercise, and it was a hard, hard day.  But yesterday and today were a bit easier.  Today I ran and swam, and added just over 400 calories to my eating, which means I still have 123 calories left to consume and it's 8:27pm.  I just had 140 calories worth of milk chocolate chips, and I'm pretty happy... 

So here's the rundown for today: breakfast: gross fiber cereal and half a cup of silk, and a clementine.  Snack: 3 popcorn rice cakes.  Lunch: Veggie sub at subway, and a bag of baked chips.  Snack: clementine.  Dinner: black bean burger, bbq sauce, blue cheese crumbles, potato roll, cucumber, a greek yogurt (super tasty!!!! the key is to add something to it- this one had peaches...), and then 2 tblspns of choc chips.  And now I need to decide to eat something or not. 

On a side note, Fiancee and I also looked at wedding dresses today.  And it ended up being fun!  And exciting!  And not at all as threatening or horrible as I thought it would be!  And we actually found 2 that we liked!  Fireworks!  Happy face!  Giggles! 

1 comment:

  1. May I recommend: Kashi blackberry graham breakfast bars and Kellogs dark chocolate almond bars? I find them to be tasty. Fiber One also makes pop tarts that I find to be delicious...they are kind of high in carbs, but if you aren't counting those, then it's no problem. I'd also like to recommend for tracking. Then we could share food diaries. :) High five for chocolate chips. :)
