Wednesday, March 3, 2010

my newest weight loss tips

So this past week I finally got past the 10 lb weight loss mark- WAHOO!  And I did it with two very tricky things... 

Thing 1: I cut off about 8 inches of hair. 

Thing 2:  I gave blood.

When I got on the scale Sunday, I was blown away to find that I had hit 162.4 lbs- I haven't been this weight for a year!  In fact, it was exactly one year ago that I was at this point! 

So yay!  Now on to keep it going...  and to figure out what my body is doing...  See, on days when I eat just the minimum calories, nothing really happens... but on days when I do odd things- like go to the bull roast at school and get an entire plate full of food (salad, mashed potatoes, a roll, and pasta), my weight goes down.  This is really blowing my mind.  Does this mean I should be eating more to lose more?  Does this mean I should be eating more of a variety of foods at each mealtime?  Does this mean I should be drinking two glasses of wine a day?  (Thanks bull roast!  Thanks school for the free alcohol!)  Does this mean I shouldn't go to the gym?  It just doesn't make any sense. 

On a side note- tonight I realized, driving home, that I could make half the recipe for pizza dough, rather than making the whole recipe and then eating the entire thing.  So I did... and it was pretty freakin' satisfying to eat the entire little pizza and not feel horrible about what I was doing.  I really like finishing things.  Last night I poured myself a little bowl of mint and dark chocolate nestle morsels, and halfway through I was done with them- but forced myself to finish them... b/c I like finishing things.  Then my belly was rumbling around and expressing it's dissatisfaction with my ridiculousness.

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