Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day Two (again) (and again) (and again)

So here we are again, facing the end of day two for what feels like the millionth time... but how awesome is it that it's not day one!!!!!  While sitting hunched over, topless, in the dressing room at Nordstrom's on Friday, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror- and by glimpse, I mean full-on frightening view of my naked upper body.  Wow.  Seriously?  Wow.  This is what happens when I stop counting calories, stop working out, stop paying attention... Ok.  Wake up call.  Actually, to be honest, the preliminary wake up call, the ring ring ring that I ignored about two weeks ago, happened at a Marshall's while trying on bathing suits.  Let's see you try to stuff a pair of melons into a swimsuit and not disassociate. 

But I digress. 

Day two!  WAHOO!!!  Day one consisted of me getting up, feeling lethargic and large, and stating "I'm going to do a workout dvd"... then actually getting into my workout clothes (WOW!  Haven't put those on in MONTHS!  Hello friends!), going downstairs, hunting through a dusty basement for a Jillian Michael's dvd.  Popped it in, did the 25 minute workout- 25 minutes, mind you, b/c that's about what my patience can handle at this point, sweated a freakin' gallon of water, then suited up the dog and took him for a half hour walk.  I felt GOOD!  I forgot how good I feel when I sweat for real!  And how self-righteous I feel!  Hell yeah I worked out today! 

Started counting calories as well, but since I'm on the cheap, I'm using MyFitnessPal, which is a little harder to use honestly.  It doesn't have as many entry choices for pre-set cardio workouts, so I feel like I'm fudging a bit.  And then I only put in my morning calories and none of the rest... but today I woke up, weighed myself, and had lost a pound! 

Day two consisted of laying in bed and watching the Olympics for hours... then getting up and doing a Booty Ballet something or other dvd with the husband. Then, realizing that we were sweating but didn't feel like we'd done anything, we did a second video, some sort of hip hop dance thing... it was pretty silly.  But afterwards we were dripping with sweat, so yay!  And then another walk with the dog, to cool down.  Then about a billion more hours of Olympics, along with a nap.  Pretty good Sunday!  What did we eat, you ask?  Well... I had lots of cherries... and a couple of rice cakes with peanut butter, and a peach, for lunch (along with a few bites of a super tasty salsa thing we made last night).  When I finally calculated all the food for the day, I realized I had over 1200 calories left to eat, so we ordered pizza and salad from our new favorite pizza place, Toss.  Then we had another bunch of cherries for dessert.  And a coke.  To stave off the caffeine headaches I've been getting while coming off my summer chocolate addiction.  Oh yes, a chocolate addiction.  My summer boss has a tupperware full of various fun sized chocolates... and makes sure to have my favorite stocked.  I'll sit there and eat piece after piece after pieces, and not realize it until I have a lap full of wrappers.  So now I'm fighting the headaches as I come down from the constant high from four weeks of chocolate induced heaven.

And now, to round out the day with a few more hours of Olympics... 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day two- success squared!

So Day Two of the rebirth of good eating...

Hit my calories needed to lose 1.1 lb a week (went over by 51 calories the lose 1.6 lbs a week mark).  Not bad...  esp since I went over with a Skinny Cow Fudge Bar (and loved every minute of it).

Went to the grocery in search of non-moldy cream cheese for the d-o-g and ended up grabbing some fresh fruit.  Was super excited about the grapes- pulled out my oh-so-smart-phone and used the mobile myfooddiary app and found out that grapes are only like 61 calories for a cup!  And boy do I love repetitive eating!  Hand to mouth, hand to cup, hand to mouth, hand to cup...  grapes are perfect for that!  However my days of trying to eat local made me gasp that the grapes were coming all the way from Chile... should've listened to the eco-friendly side of my brain, b/c man those grapes sucked hard.  I gave one to the d-o-g and watched him try to eat it... that made up for their suckiness.  Also bought an apple and a pear- and thought of my dad the whole time.  Last time he read my blog he commented that I should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, rather than all the crap I was eating (read: jello).  Too bad he's in Africa on a safari, or else he might appreciate it.

In my attempt to get my exercise in today, I took the d-o-g out on a serious book-it walk: 1.3 miles, 23 minutes.  Not bad- and it counted!  Makes me happy to get the smiley faces on my daily report...  all about that positive reinforcement, you know.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day One- Success!

So today was day one, back on the wagon.  It was a rainy day- buckets and buckets have been pouring down, and some of those buckets wind up in my basement- but that's another story. 

Woke up, listened to the rain and realized YAY!  The perfect time to take the crazy dog for a run!  Noone else will be out!  So I suited up, and suited the d-o-g up, and off we went.  2.5 miles, and a cooldown walk around the block at the end.  Not bad- and no dog interaction, so that was super great.  Got home, realized my brunch dates were going to be late, so I popped in a yoga dvd and stretched it out for 15 minutes (before I got bored out of my skull and had to quit).  According to myfooddiary, I burned 429 calories, so that's pretty cool.

Went out for brunch- which was worrisome, since it would be tough figuring out the calories.  Ordered french toast (which comes with creme fraiche, apples and honey), but only ate half.  Split some sweet potato fries with my dining companions.  Had a bite of the community pancake.  Not bad. 

Came home, watched a really horrible James Franco movie on Sun. afternoon local tv, then had a special k protein bar, and took a nap. 

Got up, headed to babysit, brought along tomato rotini soup- but had to eat it cold, b/c I blew a fuse at the house where I was sitting.  Had a homemade cookie (that woman knows how to bake!). 

Came home, had some dried mango.  And voila, under my calorie intake for the day (if you add in the exercise, that is).  Success!  We'll see how the weighing goes tomorrow.

The dangerous thing now is to see the projected weight amounts that myfooddiary claims I'll hit, if I keep it up like today.  I could hit my goal by the week of my wedding.  I haven't had a real deadline before- and this one is a big one.  Better not to think like that and just rock and roll through the next couple of months.  See how it goes...

About that time...

So it's time to start counting calories again.  Sigh.  Ugh.  Moan.  Blech.  It's my least favorite thing about eating- it makes me crazy!  But I'm doing a pretty lousy job of eating healthy and within my limits, so it's time to break out the food calculator and get to work. 

About a year ago I weighed 8 lbs less than I do right now (170)- which isn't a bad gain, I'd say, from going from one extreme (watching everything I put in my mouth and exercising daily) to the other (eating everything and anything, and repeating it again, and exercising once or twice a week).  At one point a few months ago, I was around 164- and that was b/c I was doing Bikram Yoga like 5 times a week- but that had to stop.  Bikram Yoga is insane.  And my body reacts really nicely to it- except for the whole wanting to vomit part, while taking the class.  And then there's the time constraint: each class is an hour and a half long.  And the cost restraint: each class is about $13, which adds up. 

So now I need to get back into exercising daily, and counting the calories, and at the same time: finish planning a wedding, making the thank you cards and invites, work a full time job, volunteer 3 times a week, take care of my dog, and remain sane.  GO GO GO GO!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Chocolate Chips... 70 calories worth of love.

So the 1200 calorie days are way more fun when you exercise, I've found, because then you get to ADD calories to the day!!!  Fiancee and I are on a 7 day free trial at a local gym, and we went yesterday and today.  The first day of the 1200 calorie lifestyle (b/c really, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle-  I keep trying to tell myself that) we didn't exercise, and it was a hard, hard day.  But yesterday and today were a bit easier.  Today I ran and swam, and added just over 400 calories to my eating, which means I still have 123 calories left to consume and it's 8:27pm.  I just had 140 calories worth of milk chocolate chips, and I'm pretty happy... 

So here's the rundown for today: breakfast: gross fiber cereal and half a cup of silk, and a clementine.  Snack: 3 popcorn rice cakes.  Lunch: Veggie sub at subway, and a bag of baked chips.  Snack: clementine.  Dinner: black bean burger, bbq sauce, blue cheese crumbles, potato roll, cucumber, a greek yogurt (super tasty!!!! the key is to add something to it- this one had peaches...), and then 2 tblspns of choc chips.  And now I need to decide to eat something or not. 

On a side note, Fiancee and I also looked at wedding dresses today.  And it ended up being fun!  And exciting!  And not at all as threatening or horrible as I thought it would be!  And we actually found 2 that we liked!  Fireworks!  Happy face!  Giggles! 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Great Cleanse, day FAIL

Ok.  So...  I caved.  Well, really, the pounding headache proved more than I could handle, so at about 9pm last night I had half a frozen thing of rice and veggies.  Fiancee gave in mid afternoon/early evening, and had rice and veggies, and then some soup for dinner.  We both agreed that chewing 1200 calories a day was WAY better than sucking them through a straw.

I weighed in at 168.8 lbs this morning, which means that over the 2 days I was on the lemonade torture, I lost about 6 lbs.  Probably tomorrow I'll be back up a couple lbs, but I'm ok with that, b/c today I ATE REAL FOOD.  We started with oatmeal and honey (but I only ate half my portion b/c it tasted slightly rancid, and I decided I wasn't that hungry), then I had an icelandic yogurt as a snack (pure disgustingness, but I needed to eat something, and it had a ridiculous amount of protein).  Then we ran some errands (feeling a bit more chipper than the day before) which included a trip to the grocery store where we were on the hunt for high fiber foods. 

Came home, and had a black bean burger and carrots... sounds bland, eh?  WELL...  all those times of eating at Red Robin came in handy, b/c I've learned of the deliciousness of adding blue cheese and bbq sauce to the burger.  Oh yes.  So I had my black bean burger with blue cheese and bbq sauce, on a potato bun, and some baby carrots on the side.  And a really large glass of lemon water, since we have about a zillion and a half lemons left from our cleanse.  I've been pounding the lemon water today, in hopes that at some point we'll reclaim the fridge from the yellow fruits.

And then we decided to go see a movie- but got there and the line was around the block.  At 4:30 on a Saturday afternoon.  It was ridiculous.  So we came home, moped around, watched "The Boy Who Could Fly" and I knit a baby booty.  Then our stomachs were growling loud enough for the dog to hear, so we decided it was dinner time.

And MAN did we eat!!!  My ghetto garden produced a handful of small tomatoes, so Fiancee turned that into a tomato sauce, and I made fresh pasta, which we topped with the sauce and parmesan, and man was it amazing!  An entire bowl of food, steaming hot, filled with veggies... and it totaled just under 300 calories.  I thought about doing a dance of joy, but my belly was too full to get down.

So our first day of eating 1200 calories is very successful.  Although we both have a couple hundred calories left to consume...  so we'll have to figure out how to spread the calories out better over the day.


Friday, July 23, 2010

The "Great" Cleanse, Day 2

So it's the morning of the second day of our so-called "Great Cleanse".  Mostly I think it's just a plot to make the pockets of the distilled water and Grade B syrup producers richer.  And to use up a lot of toilet water.  And toilet paper.  And straws.  And lemons. 

Yesterday went fine for me.  Drank 6 glasses of the lemonade mixture, which I don't find to taste that bad (Fiancee, on the other hand, had to chug each one and then chase it with a glass of water in order to get through it).  That equals roughly 1200 calories, which makes me feel better about not actually chewing anything, since at least my body is getting the basic calories that it needs. 

We spent the day sitting around... one of the 2 home repair people actually showed up, so we have a new thermostat in the wall and it works like a charm- AND you can program it online, which is super cool!  Then I took a nap.  And then took the dog for a walk.  And we watched a few episodes of "So You Think You Can Dance".  And that was about it for the day. 

Today I'm hoping will be different.  I just imbibed the salt water flush, so I'm waiting for that to go tearing through my system, and then I have errands planned to run: home depot (to get new curtains to replace the ones the D-O-G destroyed the other day), library, and yarn store.  I love being on summer break.

So that's about it.  My weight today was 170.2.  Now- I do have to point out that I'm not doing this cleanse to lose weight (although I'm quite happy if it continues to fall off).  I'm doing it as a do-over, to get me back on track with eating and paying attention to what I put in my mouth.  Just so we're clear.