Monday, March 7, 2011

Day two- success squared!

So Day Two of the rebirth of good eating...

Hit my calories needed to lose 1.1 lb a week (went over by 51 calories the lose 1.6 lbs a week mark).  Not bad...  esp since I went over with a Skinny Cow Fudge Bar (and loved every minute of it).

Went to the grocery in search of non-moldy cream cheese for the d-o-g and ended up grabbing some fresh fruit.  Was super excited about the grapes- pulled out my oh-so-smart-phone and used the mobile myfooddiary app and found out that grapes are only like 61 calories for a cup!  And boy do I love repetitive eating!  Hand to mouth, hand to cup, hand to mouth, hand to cup...  grapes are perfect for that!  However my days of trying to eat local made me gasp that the grapes were coming all the way from Chile... should've listened to the eco-friendly side of my brain, b/c man those grapes sucked hard.  I gave one to the d-o-g and watched him try to eat it... that made up for their suckiness.  Also bought an apple and a pear- and thought of my dad the whole time.  Last time he read my blog he commented that I should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, rather than all the crap I was eating (read: jello).  Too bad he's in Africa on a safari, or else he might appreciate it.

In my attempt to get my exercise in today, I took the d-o-g out on a serious book-it walk: 1.3 miles, 23 minutes.  Not bad- and it counted!  Makes me happy to get the smiley faces on my daily report...  all about that positive reinforcement, you know.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day One- Success!

So today was day one, back on the wagon.  It was a rainy day- buckets and buckets have been pouring down, and some of those buckets wind up in my basement- but that's another story. 

Woke up, listened to the rain and realized YAY!  The perfect time to take the crazy dog for a run!  Noone else will be out!  So I suited up, and suited the d-o-g up, and off we went.  2.5 miles, and a cooldown walk around the block at the end.  Not bad- and no dog interaction, so that was super great.  Got home, realized my brunch dates were going to be late, so I popped in a yoga dvd and stretched it out for 15 minutes (before I got bored out of my skull and had to quit).  According to myfooddiary, I burned 429 calories, so that's pretty cool.

Went out for brunch- which was worrisome, since it would be tough figuring out the calories.  Ordered french toast (which comes with creme fraiche, apples and honey), but only ate half.  Split some sweet potato fries with my dining companions.  Had a bite of the community pancake.  Not bad. 

Came home, watched a really horrible James Franco movie on Sun. afternoon local tv, then had a special k protein bar, and took a nap. 

Got up, headed to babysit, brought along tomato rotini soup- but had to eat it cold, b/c I blew a fuse at the house where I was sitting.  Had a homemade cookie (that woman knows how to bake!). 

Came home, had some dried mango.  And voila, under my calorie intake for the day (if you add in the exercise, that is).  Success!  We'll see how the weighing goes tomorrow.

The dangerous thing now is to see the projected weight amounts that myfooddiary claims I'll hit, if I keep it up like today.  I could hit my goal by the week of my wedding.  I haven't had a real deadline before- and this one is a big one.  Better not to think like that and just rock and roll through the next couple of months.  See how it goes...

About that time...

So it's time to start counting calories again.  Sigh.  Ugh.  Moan.  Blech.  It's my least favorite thing about eating- it makes me crazy!  But I'm doing a pretty lousy job of eating healthy and within my limits, so it's time to break out the food calculator and get to work. 

About a year ago I weighed 8 lbs less than I do right now (170)- which isn't a bad gain, I'd say, from going from one extreme (watching everything I put in my mouth and exercising daily) to the other (eating everything and anything, and repeating it again, and exercising once or twice a week).  At one point a few months ago, I was around 164- and that was b/c I was doing Bikram Yoga like 5 times a week- but that had to stop.  Bikram Yoga is insane.  And my body reacts really nicely to it- except for the whole wanting to vomit part, while taking the class.  And then there's the time constraint: each class is an hour and a half long.  And the cost restraint: each class is about $13, which adds up. 

So now I need to get back into exercising daily, and counting the calories, and at the same time: finish planning a wedding, making the thank you cards and invites, work a full time job, volunteer 3 times a week, take care of my dog, and remain sane.  GO GO GO GO!