Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day Two (again) (and again) (and again)

So here we are again, facing the end of day two for what feels like the millionth time... but how awesome is it that it's not day one!!!!!  While sitting hunched over, topless, in the dressing room at Nordstrom's on Friday, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror- and by glimpse, I mean full-on frightening view of my naked upper body.  Wow.  Seriously?  Wow.  This is what happens when I stop counting calories, stop working out, stop paying attention... Ok.  Wake up call.  Actually, to be honest, the preliminary wake up call, the ring ring ring that I ignored about two weeks ago, happened at a Marshall's while trying on bathing suits.  Let's see you try to stuff a pair of melons into a swimsuit and not disassociate. 

But I digress. 

Day two!  WAHOO!!!  Day one consisted of me getting up, feeling lethargic and large, and stating "I'm going to do a workout dvd"... then actually getting into my workout clothes (WOW!  Haven't put those on in MONTHS!  Hello friends!), going downstairs, hunting through a dusty basement for a Jillian Michael's dvd.  Popped it in, did the 25 minute workout- 25 minutes, mind you, b/c that's about what my patience can handle at this point, sweated a freakin' gallon of water, then suited up the dog and took him for a half hour walk.  I felt GOOD!  I forgot how good I feel when I sweat for real!  And how self-righteous I feel!  Hell yeah I worked out today! 

Started counting calories as well, but since I'm on the cheap, I'm using MyFitnessPal, which is a little harder to use honestly.  It doesn't have as many entry choices for pre-set cardio workouts, so I feel like I'm fudging a bit.  And then I only put in my morning calories and none of the rest... but today I woke up, weighed myself, and had lost a pound! 

Day two consisted of laying in bed and watching the Olympics for hours... then getting up and doing a Booty Ballet something or other dvd with the husband. Then, realizing that we were sweating but didn't feel like we'd done anything, we did a second video, some sort of hip hop dance thing... it was pretty silly.  But afterwards we were dripping with sweat, so yay!  And then another walk with the dog, to cool down.  Then about a billion more hours of Olympics, along with a nap.  Pretty good Sunday!  What did we eat, you ask?  Well... I had lots of cherries... and a couple of rice cakes with peanut butter, and a peach, for lunch (along with a few bites of a super tasty salsa thing we made last night).  When I finally calculated all the food for the day, I realized I had over 1200 calories left to eat, so we ordered pizza and salad from our new favorite pizza place, Toss.  Then we had another bunch of cherries for dessert.  And a coke.  To stave off the caffeine headaches I've been getting while coming off my summer chocolate addiction.  Oh yes, a chocolate addiction.  My summer boss has a tupperware full of various fun sized chocolates... and makes sure to have my favorite stocked.  I'll sit there and eat piece after piece after pieces, and not realize it until I have a lap full of wrappers.  So now I'm fighting the headaches as I come down from the constant high from four weeks of chocolate induced heaven.

And now, to round out the day with a few more hours of Olympics...